libROM  v1.0
Data-driven physical simulation library
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
CAROM Namespace Reference


class  AdaptiveDMD
class  IOptimizable
class  DifferentialEvolution
struct  DMDInternal
class  DMD
class  DMDc
class  GreedyCustomSampler
class  GreedyRandomSampler
struct  GreedyErrorIndicatorPoint
class  GreedySampler
class  Interpolator
class  MatrixInterpolator
class  VectorInterpolator
class  NonuniformDMD
class  Hyperreduction
struct  RowInfo
 Struct to hold the local maximum absolute value of a basis vector, the row it is in, and the processor that owns it. We will reduce this to find the global row containing the maximum of a basis vector.
class  BasisGenerator
class  BasisReader
class  BasisWriter
class  Matrix
struct  EigenPair
struct  ComplexEigenPair
struct  SerialSVDDecomposition
class  NNLSSolver
class  Options
class  IncrementalSVD
class  IncrementalSVDBrand
class  IncrementalSVDFastUpdate
class  IncrementalSVDStandard
class  RandomizedSVD
class  StaticSVD
class  SVD
class  Vector
class  SampleMeshManager
class  SampleDOFSelector
class  CSVDatabase
class  Database
class  HDFDatabase
class  HDFDatabaseMPIO
class  ParallelBuffer
struct  Utilities


enum  SamplingType { deim , gnat , qdeim , sopt }
enum class  NNLS_termination { LINF , L2 }
 Termination criterion for NNLS solver: LINF: L-infinity norm (maximum value) of the residual L2: L2 norm of the residual.


struct GreedyErrorIndicatorPoint createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint (Vector *point, Vector *localROM)
 Create a greedy error indicator point. More...
struct GreedyErrorIndicatorPoint createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint (Vector *point, std::shared_ptr< Vector > &localROM)
 Create a greedy error indicator point. More...
Vector getNearestPoint (std::vector< Vector > paramPoints, Vector point)
 Given a vector, find the nearest point in a domain. More...
int getNearestPointIndex (std::vector< Vector > paramPoints, Vector point)
 Given a vector, find the nearest point in a domain. More...
double getNearestPoint (std::vector< double > paramPoints, double point)
 Given a double, find the nearest point in a domain. More...
int getNearestPointIndex (std::vector< double > paramPoints, double point)
 Given a double, find the nearest point in a domain. More...
std::vector< double > obtainRBFToTrainingPoints (std::vector< Vector * > parameter_points, std::string interp_method, std::string rbf, double epsilon, Vector *point)
 Compute the RBF from the parameter points with the unsampled parameter point. More...
double rbfWeightedSum (std::vector< double > &rbf)
 Compute the sum of the RBF weights. More...
double obtainRBF (std::string rbf, double epsilon, Vector *point1, Vector *point2)
 Compute the RBF between two points. More...
double convertClosestRBFToEpsilon (std::vector< Vector * > parameter_points, std::string rbf, double closest_rbf_val)
 Convert closest RBF value to an epsilon value. More...
std::vector< Matrix * > obtainRotationMatrices (std::vector< Vector * > parameter_points, std::vector< Matrix * > bases, int ref_point)
 Obtain the rotation matrices for all the parameter points using the basis of the reference point. More...
VectorobtainInterpolatedVector (std::vector< Vector * > data, Matrix *f_T, std::string interp_method, std::vector< double > &rbf)
MatrixsolveLinearSystem (std::vector< Vector * > parameter_points, std::vector< Vector * > data, std::string interp_method, std::string rbf, double &epsilon)
template<class T >
void getParametricDMD (T *&parametric_dmd, std::vector< Vector * > &parameter_points, std::vector< T * > &dmds, Vector *desired_point, std::string rbf="G", std::string interp_method="LS", double closest_rbf_val=0.9, bool reorthogonalize_W=false)
 Constructor. More...
template<class T >
void getParametricDMD (T *&parametric_dmd, std::vector< Vector * > &parameter_points, std::vector< std::string > &dmd_paths, Vector *desired_point, std::string rbf="G", std::string interp_method="LS", double closest_rbf_val=0.9, bool reorthogonalize_W=false)
 Constructor. More...
template<class T >
void getParametricDMDc (T *&parametric_dmdc, std::vector< Vector * > &parameter_points, std::vector< T * > &dmdcs, std::vector< Matrix * > controls, Matrix *&controls_interpolated, Vector *desired_point, std::string rbf="G", std::string interp_method="LS", double closest_rbf_val=0.9, bool reorthogonalize_W=false)
 Constructor. More...
template<class T >
void getParametricDMDc (T *&parametric_dmdc, std::vector< Vector * > &parameter_points, std::vector< std::string > &dmdc_paths, std::vector< Matrix * > controls, Matrix *&controls_interpolated, Vector *desired_point, std::string rbf="G", std::string interp_method="LS", double closest_rbf_val=0.9, bool reorthogonalize_W=false)
 Constructor. More...
void DEIM (const Matrix *f_basis, int num_f_basis_vectors_used, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_row, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &f_basis_sampled_inv, int myid, int num_procs)
 Computes the DEIM algorithm on the given basis. More...
void GNAT (const Matrix *f_basis, const int num_f_basis_vectors_used, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_row, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &f_basis_sampled_inv, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_samples_req=-1, std::vector< int > *init_samples=NULL)
 Computes the GNAT algorithm on the given basis. More...
void QDEIM (const Matrix *f_basis, int num_f_basis_vectors_used, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_row, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &f_basis_sampled_inv, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_samples_req)
 Computes the QDEIM algorithm on the given basis. More...
void S_OPT (const Matrix *f_basis, int num_f_basis_vectors_used, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_row, std::vector< int > &f_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &f_basis_sampled_inv, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_samples_req=-1, std::vector< int > *init_samples=NULL, bool qr_factorize=false)
 Computes the S_OPT algorithm on the given basis. More...
void SampleTemporalIndices (const Matrix *s_basis, const Matrix *t_basis, const int num_f_basis_vectors_used, int *t_samples, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_samples_req, const bool excludeFinalTime)
void SampleSpatialIndices (const Matrix *s_basis, const Matrix *t_basis, const int num_f_basis_vectors_used, const int num_t_samples, int *t_samples, int *s_sampled_row, int *s_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &f_basis_sampled, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_samples_req)
void SpaceTimeSampling (const Matrix *s_basis, const Matrix *t_basis, const int num_f_basis_vectors_used, std::vector< int > &t_samples, int *f_sampled_row, int *f_sampled_rows_per_proc, Matrix &s_basis_sampled, const int myid, const int num_procs, const int num_t_samples_req, const int num_s_samples_req, const bool excludeFinalTime)
void GetSampledSpaceTimeBasis (std::vector< int > const &t_samples, const Matrix *t_basis, Matrix const &s_basis_sampled, Matrix &f_basis_sampled_inv)
Matrix outerProduct (const Vector &v, const Vector &w)
 Computes the outer product of two Vectors, v and w. More...
Matrix DiagonalMatrixFactory (const Vector &v)
 Factory function to make a diagonal matrix with nonzero entries as in its Vector argument. The rows of this diagonal matrix are distributed in the same fashion as its Vector argument. More...
Matrix IdentityMatrixFactory (const Vector &v)
 Factory function to make an identity matrix with rows distributed in the same fashion as its Vector argument. This function is provided for convenience due to the ubiquity of identity matrices (and operators) in mathematics. More...
struct EigenPair SymmetricRightEigenSolve (Matrix *A)
 Computes the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of an NxN real symmetric matrix. More...
struct ComplexEigenPair NonSymmetricRightEigenSolve (Matrix *A)
 Computes the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of an NxN real nonsymmetric matrix. More...
void SerialSVD (Matrix *A, Matrix *U, Vector *S, Matrix *V)
 Computes the SVD of a undistributed matrix in serial. More...
struct SerialSVDDecomposition SerialSVD (Matrix *A)
 Computes the SVD of a undistributed matrix in serial. More...
MatrixSpaceTimeProduct (const CAROM::Matrix *As, const CAROM::Matrix *At, const CAROM::Matrix *Bs, const CAROM::Matrix *Bt, const std::vector< double > *tscale, const bool At0at0, const bool Bt0at0, const bool lagB, const bool skip0)
void blacs_get_ (int *, int *, int *)
void blacs_pinfo_ (int *, int *)
void blacs_gridinit_ (int *, char *, int *, int *)
void blacs_gridinfo_ (int *, int *, int *, int *, int *)
void blacs_gridexit_ (int *icontxt)
void blacs_freebuff_ (int *icontxt, int *wait)
void blacs_exit_ (int *cont)
void descinit_ (int *DESC, int *M, int *N, int *MB, int *NB, int *IRSRC, int *ICSRC, int *ICTXT, int *LLD, int *INFO)
void pdormqr_ (char *SIDE, char *TRANS, int *M, int *N, int *K, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *DESCA, double *TAU, double *C, int *IC, int *JC, int *DESCC, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO)
void pdgeqrf_ (int *M, int *N, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *DESCA, double *TAU, double *WORK, int *LWORK, int *INFO)
void pdtrsm_ (char *SIDE, char *UPLO, char *TRANS, char *DIAG, int *M, int *N, double *ALPHA, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *DESCA, double *B, int *IB, int *JB, int *DESCB)
void pdgemr2d_ (int *m, int *n, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *descA, double *B, int *IB, int *JB, int *descB, int *gcontext)
void pdlacpy_ (char *UPLO, int *M, int *N, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *DESCA, double *B, int *IB, int *JB, int *DESCB)
int numroc_ (int *N, int *NB, int *IPROC, int *ISRCPROC, int *NPROCS)
void pdgemv_ (char *TRANS, int *M, int *N, double *ALPHA, double *A, int *IA, int *JA, int *DESCA, double *X, int *IX, int *JX, int *DESCX, int *INCX, double *BETA, double *Y, int *IY, int *JY, int *DESCY, int *INCY)
int getCenterPoint (std::vector< Vector * > &points, bool use_centroid)
 Get center point of a group of points.
int getCenterPoint (std::vector< Vector > &points, bool use_centroid)
 Get center point of a group of points.
int getClosestPoint (std::vector< Vector * > &points, Vector *test_point)
 Get closest point to a test point among a group of points.
int getClosestPoint (std::vector< Vector > &points, Vector test_point)
 Get closest point to a test point among a group of points.
void FindStencilElements (const vector< int > &sample_dofs_gid, set< int > &elements, ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace)
void FindSampledMeshEntities (const int type, const vector< int > &sample_dofs_gid, set< int > &entities, ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace)
void GetLocalSampleMeshElements (ParMesh &pmesh, ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace, const vector< int > &sample_dofs, const vector< int > &local_num_sample_dofs, set< int > &elems, bool getSampledEntities, set< int > &intElems, set< int > &faces, set< int > &edges, set< int > &vertices)
void SplitDofsIntoBlocks (const vector< int > &Ntrue, const vector< int > &dofs, const vector< int > &local_num_dofs, vector< vector< int >> &dofs_block, vector< vector< int >> &dofs_block_todofs, vector< vector< int >> &local_num_dofs_block)
void InsertElementDofs (ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace, const int elId, const int offset, set< int > &element_dofs)
void AugmentDofListWithOwnedDofs (vector< int > &mixedDofs, vector< ParFiniteElementSpace * > &fespace)
void BuildSampleMesh (ParMesh &pmesh, vector< ParFiniteElementSpace * > &fespace, const set< int > &elems, Mesh *&sample_mesh, vector< int > &stencil_dofs, vector< int > &elemLocalIndices, vector< map< int, int > > &elemLocalIndicesInverse)
void GetLocalDofsToLocalElementMap (ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace, const vector< int > &dofs, const vector< int > &localNumDofs, const set< int > &elems, vector< int > &dofToElem, vector< int > &dofToElemDof, const bool useTDof)
void Set_s2sp (const int myid, const int num_procs, vector< int > const &spNtrue, const int global_num_sample_dofs, const vector< int > &local_num_sample_dofs, const vector< vector< int > > &local_num_sample_dofs_sub, const vector< vector< int > > &localSampleDofsToElem_sub, const vector< vector< int > > &localSampleDofsToElemDof_sub, const vector< vector< int > > &sample_dofs_sub_to_sample_dofs, const vector< map< int, int > > &elemLocalIndicesInverse, vector< ParFiniteElementSpace * > &spfespace, vector< int > &s2sp)
void Finish_s2sp_augmented (const int rank, const int nprocs, vector< ParFiniteElementSpace * > &fespace, vector< vector< int >> &dofs_block, vector< vector< int > > &dofs_sub_to_sdofs, vector< vector< int > > &local_num_dofs_sub, const bool dofsTrue, vector< int > &s2sp_)
void ParaViewPrintAttributes (const string &fname, Mesh &mesh, int entity_dim, const Array< int > *el_number=nullptr, const Array< int > *vert_number=nullptr)
void GatherDistributedMatrixRows_aux (const CAROM::Matrix &B, const int rdim, const int os0, const int os1, const int ossp, ParFiniteElementSpace &fespace, const vector< int > &st2sp, const vector< int > &sprows, const vector< int > &all_sprows, CAROM::Matrix &Bsp)
void SampleVisualization (ParMesh *pmesh, set< int > const &elems, set< int > const &intElems, set< int > const &faces, set< int > const &edges, set< int > const &vertices, string const &filename, mfem::Vector *elemCount, double elementScaling)
void ComputeCtAB (const HypreParMatrix &A, const CAROM::Matrix &B, const CAROM::Matrix &C, CAROM::Matrix &CtAB)
 This function computes a reduced, non-distributed matrix C^t AB stored identically (redundantly) on every process. More...
void ComputeCtAB_vec (const HypreParMatrix &A, const HypreParVector &B, const CAROM::Matrix &C, CAROM::Vector &CtAB_vec)
 This function computes a reduced, non-distributed vector C^t AB stored identically (redundantly) on every process. More...
void verify_within_portion (const mfem::Vector &bb_min, const mfem::Vector &bb_max, const mfem::Vector &t, const double limit)
 Helper function to ensure that t is within a given percentage of the domain relative to the center of the mesh. Performs the check for each dimension of the mesh (works if mesh is 2D or 3D). More...
double map_to_ref_mesh (const double &bb_min, const double &bb_max, const double &fraction)
 Maps a value from [-1, 1] to the corresponding mesh domain [bb_min, bb_max]. More...
double map_from_ref_mesh (const double &bb_min, const double &bb_max, const double &value)
 Maps a value within mesh domain [bb_min, bb_max] to the corresponding value between [-1, 1]. More...
bool fileExists (const std::string &name)
int split_dimension (const int dim, const MPI_Comm &comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
 Distribute the global size dim into MPI processes as equally as possible. More...
int get_global_offsets (const int local_dim, std::vector< int > &offsets, const MPI_Comm &comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
 Save integer offsets for each MPI rank under MPI communicator comm, where each rank as the size of local_dim. the sum of local_dim over all MPI processes is returned as the total dimension. More...
bool is_same (int x, const MPI_Comm &comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
 Check if an integer is equal over all MPI processes. More...

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 2013-2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other libROM project developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.

SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)

Author: Milos Stojanovic Stojke (milsto) Adapted by Kevin Huynh from DifferentialEvolution.h from milsto's Github repo,, permission granted by milsto/differential-evolution's MIT license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT)

Function Documentation

◆ ComputeCtAB()

void CAROM::ComputeCtAB ( const HypreParMatrix &  A,
const CAROM::Matrix B,
const CAROM::Matrix C,
CAROM::Matrix CtAB 

This function computes a reduced, non-distributed matrix C^t AB stored identically (redundantly) on every process.

[in]AThe distributed HypreParMatrix (an MFEM class) A in C^t AB.
[in]BThe distributed Matrix B in C^t AB.
[in]CThe distributed Matrix C in C^t AB.
[out]CtABThe non-distributed Matrix C^t AB.

Definition at line 15 of file Utilities.cpp.

◆ ComputeCtAB_vec()

void CAROM::ComputeCtAB_vec ( const HypreParMatrix &  A,
const HypreParVector &  B,
const CAROM::Matrix C,
CAROM::Vector CtAB_vec 

This function computes a reduced, non-distributed vector C^t AB stored identically (redundantly) on every process.

[in]AThe distributed HypreParMatrix (an MFEM class) A in C^t AB.
[in]BThe distributed HypreParVector B in C^t AB.
[in]CThe distributed Matrix C in C^t AB.
[out]CtABThe non-distributed Vector C^t AB.

Definition at line 47 of file Utilities.cpp.

◆ convertClosestRBFToEpsilon()

double CAROM::convertClosestRBFToEpsilon ( std::vector< Vector * >  parameter_points,
std::string  rbf,
double  closest_rbf_val 

Convert closest RBF value to an epsilon value.

[in]parameter_pointsThe parameter points.
[in]rbfWhich RBF to compute.
[in]closest_rbf_valThe RBF parameter determines the width of influence. Set the RBF value of the nearest two parameter points to a value between 0.0 to 1.0

Definition at line 176 of file Interpolator.cpp.

◆ createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint() [1/2]

struct GreedyErrorIndicatorPoint CAROM::createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint ( Vector point,
std::shared_ptr< Vector > &  localROM 

Create a greedy error indicator point.

[in]pointThe error indicator point.
[in]localROMThe point of the nearest ROM.
A struct holding the point and the location of the nearest local ROM or NULL if no point is required.

Definition at line 1 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint() [2/2]

struct GreedyErrorIndicatorPoint CAROM::createGreedyErrorIndicatorPoint ( Vector point,
Vector localROM 

Create a greedy error indicator point.

[in]pointThe error indicator point.
[in]localROMThe point of the nearest ROM.
A struct holding the point and the location of the nearest local ROM or NULL if no point is required.

Definition at line 1 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ DEIM()

void CAROM::DEIM ( const Matrix f_basis,
int  num_f_basis_vectors_used,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_row,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_rows_per_proc,
Matrix f_basis_sampled_inv,
int  myid,
int  num_procs 

Computes the DEIM algorithm on the given basis.

Implemented from Saifon Chaturantabut and Danny C. Sorensen "Nonlinear Model Reduction via Discrete Empirical Interpolation", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 32(5), 2737–2764. (28 pages)

[in]f_basisThe basis vectors for the RHS.
[in]num_f_basis_vectors_usedThe number of basis vectors in f_basis to use in the algorithm.
[out]f_sampled_rowThe local row ids of each sampled row. This will contain the sampled rows from all processors. Use f_sampled_rows_per_proc to index into this array for the sampled rows from a specific processor.
[out]f_sampled_rows_per_procThe number of sampled rows for each processor.
[out]f_basis_sampled_invThe inverse of the sampled basis of the RHS.
[in]myidThe rank of this process.
[in]num_procsThe total number of processes.

Definition at line 29 of file DEIM.cpp.

◆ DiagonalMatrixFactory()

Matrix CAROM::DiagonalMatrixFactory ( const Vector v)

Factory function to make a diagonal matrix with nonzero entries as in its Vector argument. The rows of this diagonal matrix are distributed in the same fashion as its Vector argument.

[in]vVector of elements that will be on the diagonal of the output matrix.
diagonalMatrix.distributed() == v.distributed()
diagonalMatrix.numRows() == v.dim()
The diagonal matrix created by this function.

Get the number of rows on each process; these process row counts must be summed to get the number of columns on each process.

Compute the row starting index and total number of rows over all processes – which is also the total number of columns. Also compute the starting row index on each process.

Assume that Matrix rows are contiguous sets of row indices, e.g., if a four row matrix is partititioned over two processes, then process zero on the MPI_Comm owns rows 0 and 1, and process one on the MPI_Comm owns rows 2 and 3.

Create the diagonal matrix and assign process local entries in v to process local entries in the diagonal matrix.

Off-diagonal matrix entries are zero; diagonal matrix entries come from the input Vector.

Definition at line 2073 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ get_global_offsets()

int CAROM::get_global_offsets ( const int  local_dim,
std::vector< int > &  offsets,
const MPI_Comm &  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD 

Save integer offsets for each MPI rank under MPI communicator comm, where each rank as the size of local_dim. the sum of local_dim over all MPI processes is returned as the total dimension.

[in]local_dimInput local dimension specified for each MPI rank.
[out]offsetsResulting global integer offsets split by local_dim.
[in]commMPI communicator. default value MPI_COMM_WORLD.
[out]dim(Returned value) Global dimension as the sum of all local_dim.

Definition at line 41 of file mpi_utils.cpp.

◆ getNearestPoint() [1/2]

double CAROM::getNearestPoint ( std::vector< double >  paramPoints,
double  point 

Given a double, find the nearest point in a domain.

[in]paramPointsThe domain to search.
[in]pointThe specified point.
A double representing the nearest point in a domain.

Definition at line 74 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ getNearestPoint() [2/2]

Vector CAROM::getNearestPoint ( std::vector< Vector paramPoints,
Vector  point 

Given a vector, find the nearest point in a domain.

[in]paramPointsThe domain to search.
[in]pointThe specified point.
A vector representing the nearest point in a domain.

Definition at line 44 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ getNearestPointIndex() [1/2]

int CAROM::getNearestPointIndex ( std::vector< double >  paramPoints,
double  point 

Given a double, find the nearest point in a domain.

[in]paramPointsThe domain to search.
[in]pointThe specified point.
The index of the nearest point in a domain.

Definition at line 82 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ getNearestPointIndex() [2/2]

int CAROM::getNearestPointIndex ( std::vector< Vector paramPoints,
Vector  point 

Given a vector, find the nearest point in a domain.

[in]paramPointsThe domain to search.
[in]pointThe specified point.
The index of the nearest point in a domain.

Definition at line 52 of file GreedySampler.cpp.

◆ getParametricDMD() [1/2]

template<class T >
void CAROM::getParametricDMD ( T *&  parametric_dmd,
std::vector< Vector * > &  parameter_points,
std::vector< std::string > &  dmd_paths,
Vector desired_point,
std::string  rbf = "G",
std::string  interp_method = "LS",
double  closest_rbf_val = 0.9,
bool  reorthogonalize_W = false 


[in]parameter_pointsThe parameter points.
[in]dmd_pathsThe paths to the saved DMD objects associated with each parameter point.
[in]desired_pointThe desired point at which to create a parametric DMD.
[in]rbfThe RBF type ("G" == gaussian, "IQ" == inverse quadratic, "IMQ" == inverse multiquadric)
[in]interp_methodThe interpolation method type ("LS" == linear solve, "IDW" == inverse distance weighting, "LP" == lagrangian polynomials)
[in]closest_rbf_valThe RBF parameter determines the width of influence. Set the RBF value of the nearest two parameter points to a value between 0.0 to 1.0
[in]reorthogonalize_WWhether to reorthogonalize the interpolated W (basis) matrix.

Definition at line 141 of file ParametricDMD.h.

◆ getParametricDMD() [2/2]

template<class T >
void CAROM::getParametricDMD ( T *&  parametric_dmd,
std::vector< Vector * > &  parameter_points,
std::vector< T * > &  dmds,
Vector desired_point,
std::string  rbf = "G",
std::string  interp_method = "LS",
double  closest_rbf_val = 0.9,
bool  reorthogonalize_W = false 


[in]parametric_dmdThe interpolant DMD model at the desired point.
[in]parameter_pointsThe training parameter points.
[in]dmdsThe DMD objects associated with each training parameter point.
[in]desired_pointThe desired point at which to create a parametric DMD.
[in]rbfThe RBF type ("G" == gaussian, "IQ" == inverse quadratic, "IMQ" == inverse multiquadric)
[in]interp_methodThe interpolation method type ("LS" == linear solve, "IDW" == inverse distance weighting, "LP" == lagrangian polynomials)
[in]closest_rbf_valThe RBF parameter determines the width of influence. Set the RBF value of the nearest two parameter points to a value between 0.0 to 1.0
[in]reorthogonalize_WWhether to reorthogonalize the interpolated W (basis) matrix.

Definition at line 52 of file ParametricDMD.h.

◆ getParametricDMDc() [1/2]

template<class T >
void CAROM::getParametricDMDc ( T *&  parametric_dmdc,
std::vector< Vector * > &  parameter_points,
std::vector< std::string > &  dmdc_paths,
std::vector< Matrix * >  controls,
Matrix *&  controls_interpolated,
Vector desired_point,
std::string  rbf = "G",
std::string  interp_method = "LS",
double  closest_rbf_val = 0.9,
bool  reorthogonalize_W = false 


[in]parameter_pointsThe parameter points.
[in]dmdc_pathsThe paths to the saved DMD objects associated with each parameter point.
[in]desired_pointThe desired point at which to create a parametric DMD.
[in]controlsThe matrices of controls from previous runs which we use to interpolate.
[in]controls_interpolatedThe interpolated controls.
[in]rbfThe RBF type ("G" == gaussian, "IQ" == inverse quadratic, "IMQ" == inverse multiquadric)
[in]interp_methodThe interpolation method type ("LS" == linear solve, "IDW" == inverse distance weighting, "LP" == lagrangian polynomials)
[in]closest_rbf_valThe RBF parameter determines the width of influence. Set the RBF value of the nearest two parameter points to a value between 0.0 to 1.0
[in]reorthogonalize_WWhether to reorthogonalize the interpolated W (basis) matrix.

Definition at line 164 of file ParametricDMDc.h.

◆ getParametricDMDc() [2/2]

template<class T >
void CAROM::getParametricDMDc ( T *&  parametric_dmdc,
std::vector< Vector * > &  parameter_points,
std::vector< T * > &  dmdcs,
std::vector< Matrix * >  controls,
Matrix *&  controls_interpolated,
Vector desired_point,
std::string  rbf = "G",
std::string  interp_method = "LS",
double  closest_rbf_val = 0.9,
bool  reorthogonalize_W = false 


[in]parametric_dmdcThe interpolant DMDc model at the desired point.
[in]parameter_pointsThe training parameter points.
[in]dmdcsThe DMDc objects associated with each training parameter point.
[in]controlsThe matrices of controls from previous runs which we use to interpolate.
[in]controls_interpolatedThe interpolated controls.
[in]desired_pointThe desired point at which to create a parametric DMDc.
[in]rbfThe RBF type ("G" == gaussian, "IQ" == inverse quadratic, "IMQ" == inverse multiquadric)
[in]interp_methodThe interpolation method type ("LS" == linear solve, "IDW" == inverse distance weighting, "LP" == lagrangian polynomials)
[in]closest_rbf_valThe RBF parameter determines the width of influence. Set the RBF value of the nearest two parameter points to a value between 0.0 to 1.0
[in]reorthogonalize_WWhether to reorthogonalize the interpolated W (basis) matrix.

Definition at line 56 of file ParametricDMDc.h.

◆ GNAT()

void CAROM::GNAT ( const Matrix f_basis,
const int  num_f_basis_vectors_used,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_row,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_rows_per_proc,
Matrix f_basis_sampled_inv,
const int  myid,
const int  num_procs,
const int  num_samples_req = -1,
std::vector< int > *  init_samples = NULL 

Computes the GNAT algorithm on the given basis.

Implemented from Kevin Carlberg, Charbel Farhat, Julien Cortial, and David Amsallem "The GNAT method for nonlinear model reduction: Effective implementation and application to computational fluid dynamics and turbulent flows", Journal of Computational Physics Volume 242, 1 June 2013, Pages 623-647.

[in]f_basisThe basis vectors for the RHS.
[in]num_f_basis_vectors_usedThe number of basis vectors in f_basis to use in the algorithm.
[out]f_sampled_rowThe local row ids of each sampled row. This will contain the sampled rows from all processors. Use f_sampled_rows_per_proc to index into this array for the sampled rows from a specific processor.
[out]f_sampled_rows_per_procThe number of sampled rows for each processor.
[out]f_basis_sampled_invThe inverse of the sampled basis of the RHS.
[in]myidThe rank of this process.
[in]num_procsThe total number of processes.
[in]num_samples_reqThe minimum number of samples required.
[in]init_samplesSamples to initialize the GNAT algorithm.

Definition at line 27 of file GNAT.cpp.

◆ IdentityMatrixFactory()

Matrix CAROM::IdentityMatrixFactory ( const Vector v)

Factory function to make an identity matrix with rows distributed in the same fashion as its Vector argument. This function is provided for convenience due to the ubiquity of identity matrices (and operators) in mathematics.

[in]vVector of elements that will be on the diagonal of the output matrix.
diagonalMatrix.distributed() == v.distributed()
diagonalMatrix.numRows() == v.dim()
The identity matrix created by this function.

Definition at line 2149 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ is_same()

bool CAROM::is_same ( int  x,
const MPI_Comm &  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD 

Check if an integer is equal over all MPI processes.

[in]xInput integer value to test equality.
[in]commMPI communicator. default value MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Definition at line 72 of file mpi_utils.cpp.

◆ map_from_ref_mesh()

double CAROM::map_from_ref_mesh ( const double &  bb_min,
const double &  bb_max,
const double &  value 

Maps a value within mesh domain [bb_min, bb_max] to the corresponding value between [-1, 1].

bb_minMinimum value of domain
bb_maxMaximum value of domain
valueValue between [bb_min, bb_max] to map
value mapped to [-1, 1]
See also

Definition at line 96 of file Utilities.cpp.

◆ map_to_ref_mesh()

double CAROM::map_to_ref_mesh ( const double &  bb_min,
const double &  bb_max,
const double &  fraction 

Maps a value from [-1, 1] to the corresponding mesh domain [bb_min, bb_max].

bb_minMinimum value of domain
bb_maxMaximum value of domain
fractionValue between [-1, 1] to map
fraction mapped to [bb_min, bb_max]
See also

Definition at line 88 of file Utilities.cpp.

◆ NonSymmetricRightEigenSolve()

struct ComplexEigenPair CAROM::NonSymmetricRightEigenSolve ( Matrix A)

Computes the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of an NxN real nonsymmetric matrix.

[in]AThe NxN real nonsymmetric matrix to be eigendecomposed.
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the eigensolve. The eigenvector matrices contained within the returning struct must be destroyed by the user.

Definition at line 2149 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ obtainRBF()

double CAROM::obtainRBF ( std::string  rbf,
double  epsilon,
Vector point1,
Vector point2 

Compute the RBF between two points.

[in]rbfWhich RBF to compute.
[in]epsilonThe RBF parameter that determines the width of influence.
[in]point1The first point.
[in]point2The second point.

Definition at line 149 of file Interpolator.cpp.

◆ obtainRBFToTrainingPoints()

std::vector< double > CAROM::obtainRBFToTrainingPoints ( std::vector< Vector * >  parameter_points,
std::string  interp_method,
std::string  rbf,
double  epsilon,
Vector point 

Compute the RBF from the parameter points with the unsampled parameter point.

[in]parameter_pointsThe parameter points.
[in]interp_methodThe interpolation method type ("LS" == linear solve, "IDW" == inverse distance weighting, "LP" == lagrangian polynomials)
[in]rbfWhich RBF to compute.
[in]epsilonThe RBF parameter that determines the width of influence.
[in]pointThe unsampled parameter point.

Definition at line 70 of file Interpolator.cpp.

◆ obtainRotationMatrices()

std::vector< Matrix * > CAROM::obtainRotationMatrices ( std::vector< Vector * >  parameter_points,
std::vector< Matrix * >  bases,
int  ref_point 

Obtain the rotation matrices for all the parameter points using the basis of the reference point.

[in]parameter_pointsThe parameter points.
[in]basesThe spatial basis associated with each parameter point.
[in]ref_pointThe index within the vector of parameter points to the reference point

Definition at line 219 of file Interpolator.cpp.

◆ outerProduct()

Matrix CAROM::outerProduct ( const Vector v,
const Vector w 

Computes the outer product of two Vectors, v and w.

The number of rows in the returned matrix equals the dimension of v
The number of cols in the returned matrix equals the dimension of w, if w is not distributed. If w is distributed, the number of columns equals the total number of entries of w, summed over all processes.
If v is distributed, so is the returned matrix.
[in]vThe first vector in the outer product
[in]wThe second vector in the outer product
The product of v and the transpose of w.

Definition at line 1973 of file Matrix.cpp.


void CAROM::QDEIM ( const Matrix f_basis,
int  num_f_basis_vectors_used,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_row,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_rows_per_proc,
Matrix f_basis_sampled_inv,
const int  myid,
const int  num_procs,
const int  num_samples_req 

Computes the QDEIM algorithm on the given basis.

Implemented from Zlatko Drmac, Serkan Gugercin, "A new selection operator for the discrete empirical interpolation method – Improved a priori error bound and extensions", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 38, Issue 2, pages A631-A648, 2016.

Oversampling uses GappyPOD+E from Peherstorfer, Drmac, Gugercin, "Stability of discrete empirical interpolation and gappy proper orthogonal decomposition with randomized and deterministic sampling points", preprint May 20, 2020.

[in]f_basisThe basis vectors for the RHS.
[in]num_f_basis_vectors_usedThe number of basis vectors in f_basis to use in the algorithm.
[out]f_sampled_rowThe local row ids of each sampled row. This will contain the sampled rows from all processors. Use f_sampled_rows_per_proc to index into this array for the sampled rows from a specific processor.
[out]f_sampled_rows_per_procThe number of sampled rows for each processor.
[out]f_basis_sampled_invThe inverse of the sampled basis of the RHS.
[in]myidThe rank of this process.
[in]num_procsThe total number of processes.
[in]num_samples_reqThe minimum number of samples required.

Definition at line 25 of file QDEIM.cpp.

◆ rbfWeightedSum()

double CAROM::rbfWeightedSum ( std::vector< double > &  rbf)

Compute the sum of the RBF weights.

[in]rbfThe vector holding the rbfs of the training points.

Definition at line 139 of file Interpolator.cpp.

◆ S_OPT()

void CAROM::S_OPT ( const Matrix f_basis,
int  num_f_basis_vectors_used,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_row,
std::vector< int > &  f_sampled_rows_per_proc,
Matrix f_basis_sampled_inv,
const int  myid,
const int  num_procs,
const int  num_samples_req = -1,
std::vector< int > *  init_samples = NULL,
bool  qr_factorize = false 

Computes the S_OPT algorithm on the given basis.

Implemented from Yeonjong Shin and Dongbin Xiu's "Nonadaptive Quasi-Optimal Points Selection for Least Squares Linear Regression", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(1), A385-A411. (26 pages)

[in]f_basisThe basis vectors for the RHS.
[in]num_f_basis_vectors_usedThe number of basis vectors in f_basis to use in the algorithm.
[out]f_sampled_rowThe local row ids of each sampled row. This will contain the sampled rows from all processors. Use f_sampled_rows_per_proc to index into this array for the sampled rows from a specific processor.
[out]f_sampled_rows_per_procThe number of sampled rows for each processor.
[out]f_basis_sampled_invThe inverse of the sampled basis of the RHS.
[in]myidThe rank of this process.
[in]num_procsThe total number of processes.
[in]num_samples_reqThe minimum number of samples required.
[in]init_samplesSamples to initialize the S_OPT algorithm.
[in]qr_factorizeWhether to factorize the incoming matrix. If true and if the incoming matrix is a basis, the unnecessary computation of a QR factorization will be performed.

Definition at line 30 of file S_OPT.cpp.

◆ SerialSVD() [1/2]

struct SerialSVDDecomposition CAROM::SerialSVD ( Matrix A)

Computes the SVD of a undistributed matrix in serial.

[in]AThe MxN undistributed matrix to be eigendecomposed.
The singular value decomposition within a struct. The matrices and vector contained within the returning struct must be destroyed by the user.

Definition at line 2279 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ SerialSVD() [2/2]

void CAROM::SerialSVD ( Matrix A,
Matrix U,
Vector S,
Matrix V 

Computes the SVD of a undistributed matrix in serial.

[in]AThe MxN undistributed matrix to be eigendecomposed.
[in]UThe matrix to write the left singular vectors into.
[in]SThe vector to write the singular values into.
[in]VThe matrix to write the right singular vectors into.
The singular value decomposition within the input parameters U, S, and V.

Definition at line 2279 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ SpaceTimeSampling()

void CAROM::SpaceTimeSampling ( const Matrix s_basis,
const Matrix t_basis,
const int  num_f_basis_vectors_used,
std::vector< int > &  t_samples,
int *  f_sampled_row,
int *  f_sampled_rows_per_proc,
Matrix s_basis_sampled,
const int  myid,
const int  num_procs,
const int  num_t_samples_req = -1,
const int  num_s_samples_req = -1,
const bool  excludeFinalTime = false 
[in]s_basisThe spatial basis vectors.
[in]t_basisThe temporal basis vectors.
[in]num_f_basis_vectors_usedThe number of basis vectors in f_basis to use in the algorithm.
[out]t_samplesArray of temporal samples.
[out]f_sampled_rowThe local row ids of each sampled row. This will contain the sampled rows from all processors. Use f_sampled_rows_per_proc to index into this array for the sampled rows from a specific processor.
[out]f_sampled_rows_per_procThe number of sampled rows for each processor.
[out]f_basis_sampled_invThe inverse of the sampled basis of the RHS.
[in]myidThe rank of this process.
[in]num_procsThe total number of processes.
[in]num_t_samples_reqThe number of temporal samples to compute.
[in]num_s_samples_reqThe number of spatial samples to compute.
[in]excludeFinalTimeWhether to exclude the final time index as a temporal sample.

Definition at line 510 of file STSampling.cpp.

◆ split_dimension()

int CAROM::split_dimension ( const int  dim,
const MPI_Comm &  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD 

Distribute the global size dim into MPI processes as equally as possible.

[in]dimInput global size.
[in]commMPI communicator. default value MPI_COMM_WORLD.
[out]local_dim(Returned value) Local size assigned to the current MPI process.

Definition at line 23 of file mpi_utils.cpp.

◆ SymmetricRightEigenSolve()

struct EigenPair CAROM::SymmetricRightEigenSolve ( Matrix A)

Computes the eigenvectors/eigenvalues of an NxN real symmetric matrix.

[in]AThe NxN real symmetric matrix to be eigendecomposed.
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the eigensolve. The eigenvector matrices contained within the returning struct must be destroyed by the user.

Definition at line 2149 of file Matrix.cpp.

◆ verify_within_portion()

void CAROM::verify_within_portion ( const mfem::Vector &  bb_min,
const mfem::Vector &  bb_max,
const mfem::Vector &  t,
const double  limit 

Helper function to ensure that t is within a given percentage of the domain relative to the center of the mesh. Performs the check for each dimension of the mesh (works if mesh is 2D or 3D).

bb_minMinimum corner of mesh bounding box. See mfem::Mesh::GetBoundingBox().
bb_maxMaximum corner of mesh bounding box. See mfem::Mesh::GetBoundingBox().
tPoint to check if within given limit percentage of mesh domain relative to mesh center.
limitFractional percentage (from [0, 1]) of mesh domain to check bounds of t.
This will throw an error and exit if the check fails.

Definition at line 65 of file Utilities.cpp.